The African National Congress's (ANC's) national working committee (NWC) has appointed national executive committee members (NEC) Jeff Radebe, Joel Netshitenzhe, Ronald Lamola, Lindiwe Maseko, and other legally skilled members to evaluate and make informed referrals to the party on how it ought to implement recommendations made in the initial State capture inquiry report. Radebe had been assigned as the convenor of this team which was also tasked with compiling a discussion paper for ANC structures on corruption and State capture following their contemplating on the recommendations made in the first of three State capture inquiry reports.
It is exactly 50 years since Isithwalandwe/Seaparankoe President OR Tambo delivered a January 8th Statement commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the ANC.
By the end of 2014, 29 insurance brokers, 41 adjusters, and 21 financial advisers were working locally, as were 85,376 life insurance agents, and 39,220 agents were working in general insurance. Table of contents 1. How many insurance companies can an agent represent? 2. What is the percentage of commission for insurance agents? 3. Who […]