Team Awareness Combating Operation, or TACO, works to fight against teen overdose using peer-to-peer education, free fentanyl test strips and Narcan administration training.
by the science council. the government says there are approximately 235,000 containers filled with highly radioactive waste. each one is about a meter long and almost half a meter wide and they weigh half a ton. utilities store them in stainless steel containers. the nuclear waste inside is a glass-like liquid so it s solid. because of its dangerous nature it needs to be stored away from people and the environment. the government decided on its final disposal plan 12 years ago. crews would bury the waste deeper than 300 meters underground for tens of thousands of years. but members of the science council are questioning that idea. their draft proposal says science has its limits and japan s frequent earthquakes and active volcanoes make it difficult to identify areas underground that would stay stable for such a long period of time. they say the government should re-examine its disposal plan, even if it means restarting discussions from scratch. earlier, i spoke to nhk world
territory. the case involves the senkaku islands. japan considers it part of okinawa. china and taiwan both claim it as their own. coast guard spokespersons say the activists approached in a fishing boat. seven jped off t vselnd made their way to the islands. two activists soon returned to the boat. coast guard personnel and the police questioned the five who remained on the island. then they arrested all the activists. police plan to transfer the group to their headquarters in okinawa for further questioning. the both left hong kong on sunday. it entered japanese waters on wednesday despite repeated warnings from coast guard patrol vessels. the boat carried a banner saying china cannot give up an inch of its territory. in 2010 a chinese trawler collided with two japanese patrol boats. research ships, fisheries, patrol boats and other vessels from china have frequently entered japan s territory waters since then. japan s top government spokesperson calls the incident regretta
the activists approached in a fishing boat. seven jumped off the vessel and made their way to the islands. two activists soon returned to the boat. coast guard personnel and the police questioned the five who remained on the island. then they arrested all the activists. police plan to transfer the group to their headquarters in okinawa for further questioning. the both left hong kong on sunday. it entered japanese waters on wednesday despite repeated warnings from coast guard patrol vessels. the boat carried a banner saying china cannot give up an inch of its territory. in 2010 a chinese trawler collided with two japanese patrol boats. research ships, fisheries, patrol boats and other vessels from china have frequently entered japan s territory waters since then. japan s top government spokesperson calls the incident regrettable. translator: we will strictly monitor the situation and do what is necessary in line with our country s allaws. they are inherent japanese territor
lowered the instrument. this suggests nuclear fuel melted down and collected theatbottom of the vessel. it also measured 72.9 seiferts per hour. a person exposed to those levels would die within about seven minutes. the technicians also learned that the water used to cool the reactor is only 60 centimeters deep. they thought the level was about three meters. tepco officials suspect the suppression chamber theatbottom of the vessel may have been destroyed. r two nuclear expert says thuny reactor may slow down the work theatfukushima daiichi plant. tepco s next jop is to find out whether water leakage is occurring. the utility will have to develop radiation resistant cameras and new robots. translator: it is going to be a hard task to find the damaged parts that are causing water leakage in the containment vessel. that s because the vessel has a large surface area. radioactive contamination from the fukushima accident may force fishermen in a neighboring prefecture to suspe