India News: In the run-up to the 2019 Lok Sabha polls, Gopal Pawar, the headman of the Makadmare (Vanarmare) tribals from Nirankal, Ponda, had just one prayer to the candidates whoever cared to lend him a ear: “A roof over our heads, and an electricity connection to help our kids study at night”.
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India Pursues Ambitious Solar Goals Despite Pandemic’s Impact
India has one of the world’s most aggressive solar development targets. The country’s leaders have said they want to install 450 GW of renewable power generation capacity by 2030, a figure that would amount to about 55% of the total electricity capacity the country has estimated it will need by the end of the decade.
Government data showed India had just more than 94 GW of renewable generation capacity installed as of the end of March 2021, about 25% of the country’s total capacity. A recent report from Mercom India, part of Mercom Capital Group, said that at the end of March 2021 cumulative solar installations accounted for 41 GW of generation capacity, with 35.5 GW from large-scale projects, and the rest from r
Convergence Energy Services Limited (CESL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), has signed an agreement with Goa Energy Development Agency (GEDA) for the installation of solar PV-based home lighting systems .
CESL, GEDA partner to install solar home lighting in rural households in Goa - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.