they re bringing drugs, they re bringing crime, they re rapists. you cannot raise someone else s babies. they re pocahontas. we do this with livestock all the time. if the president s issue is condemning racism, don t you have to condemn it all? you should, but they re not going to because they don t really care. this is my concern about what just happened. i said last week i don t think he should necessarily be remo d removed. this is how democracy works. if the people in his community believes it, fine. i don t think he should necessarily be in power. but the problem with condemning him of white nationalism, white racism, white supremacy, most of america don t know those terms. if you rolled it out and said, what is a white nationalist and why is it a problem? they re responding to bad branding, they re not responding to bad policy. that s why i m not impressed by this particular action. white nationalism is in a white