we drove out, met her at her convenience store. and as you saw in the film, she s quite an eni go matic presence. we had a wonderful conversation with her. it was really clear the more and necessary work she was doing in the community and we wanted to find a way to help elevate her story. jeremy, what do you think dorothy s secret is for convincing people? yeah. i think we could all learn so much from dorothy. i was so impressed seeing her. she would show up. she would literally roll up on to people s lawns. and you know, she would have these conversations with some folks who were scared as she mentioned, or some people who also have deep disagreements with her. and she was never, she would never talk down to people. she would never yell at anybody. this is what i feel like we re
all so used. to we re at each other s throats. instead, dorothy meets beam love. she meets them where they re at. she answers questions. she jokes around. and i ve honestly never seen somebody so incredible at persuading people to make such an important decision. dorothy, does it help that you know just about everyone in town? that s the key right there. just about everybody knows me. they know how hard i work and they know i m serious in what i do. and that makes a lot of difference. so dorothy, you re getting people to trust you the way they would trust your doctor. they would trust their own doctor. how do you do that? i guess because i ve been working in the community on different occasions with things going on and they know i m
get this under control now. dr. jason martin, thank you very much for joining us tonight and thank you for the work that you re doing. thank you for having me and thank you for telling our story. thank you. coming up, alabama has the lowest vaccination rate of any state in the country but panola alabama has the highest vaccination rate in the state thanks to retired office administrator dorothy oliver that made vaccination her project. the remarkable dorothy oliver will join us next. dorothy oliv will join us next. (burke) this is why you want farmers claim forgiveness. [echoing] claim forgiveness-ness, your home premium won t go up just because of this. (woman) wow, that s something. (burke) you get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. [echoing] get a quote today. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn t know what was right for her. no. nope.
oliver organized a popup vaccination clinic for her town of 134 people. dorothy oliver went door to door to answer her neighbor s questions about the vaccine and get people signed up. dorothy oliver s determination is featured in the panola project, a new documentary from the new yorker. i heard people saying they get sick but. some people said their arm hurt. their arm going to hurt sometime. i have no problems with mines at all. had both of them. had no problem at all. didn t bother me. uh-uh. kimberly. kim. k-i-m-b-e-r look at her smiling at me. you know i know her. you ready to take that shot? you can put me down. yeah, put him down. woo! see, i got him.
and thank you very much for what you re doing. rachel and jeremy, thank you very much for bringing this story to us. america needs mordor they olivers. thank you very much, dorothy. thank you. thank you. tonight s last word about voting rights is next. voting rights is next. hands feel dry? like sandpaper. introducing new dove handwash, with 5 x moisturizer blend. removes germs in seconds, moisturizes for hours. soft, smooth. new dove handwash. you re clearly someone who takes care of yourself. so why wait to screen for colon cancer? because when caught in early stages, it s more treatable. i m cologuard. i m noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers even in early stages. tell me more. it s for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your prescriber or an online prescriber if cologuard is right for you. i m on it.