All of our hearts have been broken by the scenes coming out of Ukraine in recent days. The pain and suffering by innocent people have been almost unbearable to witness. The resilience of the Ukrainian people has inspired us in the midst of their struggle against a Goliath from the East. Many us of h
Along with other churches, we in the Episcopal Church are midway through the season of Lent, when Christians take time to reflect on all that keeps us from following in Jesus’ way of love and faith. We remember the 40 days Jesus spent wandering in the wilderness, being tempted to back out of the mis
As I begin this writing, I am both cautioned and blessed to represent the body of Christ, at least in some measure, to all who may read. Again, I must give great thanks to the Daily Republic for this opportunity and want you to feel assured I shall always strive to be prayerful and careful with what
It seems that the God of the Bible, which our nation’s Founding Fathers based our foundational documents on, has been replaced by a different god. I did not say a new god, because it isn’t. It is a god that has destroyed many past civilizations, but apparently many believe it won’t happen to us.
December and January are the times in the calendar year when people often reflect on what went well and what went badly in the previous year, and then make resolutions for the new year to address them.
I’ve done it, you’ve done it, we’ve all done that at one time or another in our lives.
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