Reliance Infra share price: The stock jumped 6.36 per cent to trade at Rs 177.25 in Tuesday's deals. It was last seen trading 3.06 per cent higher at Rs 171.75. At this price, the scrip has slipped 18.47 per cent on a year-to-date (YTD) basis.
Reliance Infra share price: The stock settled 3.18 per cent lower at Rs 188.70. At this price, it has plunged 24.32 per cent in the past one month. On a year-to-date (YTD), the scrip has slipped 10.42 per cent.
Reliance Infra share price: The stock slumped 20 per cent to hit its lower price band of Rs 227.40. Today's plunge in the share price came after it was reported that the Supreme Court of India has overturned its prior ruling that compelled the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) to pay an arbitration award of around Rs 8,000 crore to Reliance Infra's subsidiary, Delhi Airport Metro Express Pvt Ltd (DAMEPL).
Reliance Infra share price: The company's consolidated net loss widened to Rs 421.17 crore in the December quarter (Q3 FY24), due to higher expenses. It had clocked a net loss of Rs 267.46 crore in the year-ago period.
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