The shares of Reliance Industries faced a challenging day on Friday in the stock market, as it closed at Rs 2,555, down by 64.85 points or 2.48 per cent from the previous day's closing. The share price movement ahead of the quarterly results indicated that investors were cautious and possibly anticipating the financial performance., Companies News, Times Now
Reliance Industries Jio Financial Services demerger: In a special pre-open call auction session held on July 20 (Thursday), the Jio Financial Services (JFSL) shares was valued at Rs 261.85 per share, as per National Stock Exchange (NSE). The market-cap for Jio Financial Services stands at Rs 1.66 lakh crore based on the share price., Markets News, Times Now
According to the Domino's CEO Sameer Khetarpal in India, it is the tip of the spear in its fight against the rampant inflation that's squeezing profits and pricing out many customers., Companies News, Times Now
Reliance Industries Jio Financial Services demerger: Jio Financial Services is valued at a whopping Rs 1.66 lakh crore or about $20.3 billion, only after Bajaj Finance which has a market cap of Rs 4.6 lakh crore, Economic Times reported. Once it gets listed on the bourses, JFSL will replace Cholamandalam Investment and Finance (Rs 96,000 crore) at the 2nd spot., Companies News, Times Now
The demerger of Jio Financial Services Ltd (JFSL) from Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) is set to take place on July 20. Wednesday is the last date for shareholders to buy shares of Reliance Industries to participate in the merger. ET NOW spoke to Sushil Choksey of Indus Equity Advisors about whether investors should buy RIL shares ahead of the demerger., Companies News, Times Now