Aranam Movie OTT Release Update: 'Aranam,' the much-anticipated Tamil crime film, featuring Varsha, Laguparan, Keerthana, Piriyan, and others, is gearing up for its theatrical release on January 5, 2024. Directed by Piriyan, the film unfolds a gripping tale centered around the Zamindar family and their opulent bungalow in the village of Aranthangi.
Dracula and Frankenstein and the Mummy, Oh My! Universal s Classic Monsters Inspire Art Initiative
Haley Bosselman, provided by
To honor the milestone anniversaries of some of cinema’s scariest legends, Universal Pictures launched the Universal Monsters: Out of the Shadows contest, which will be hosted on the Tongal content creation platform.
The art initiative calls for U.S. residents to create an original character inspired by Universal’s classic cast of monsters, including Dracula, The Wolfman, Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Mummy, Phantom of the Opera, Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Invisible Man. It runs from Feb. 11 through March 4 and hopes to discover visionary artists.