Pope Francis on Sunday presided over a big outdoor Mass where he urged Hungarians not to close the door on migrants and those who are "foreign or unlike us," in contrast to the anti-immigrant policies of nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
The Vatican is involved in a peace mission to try to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Pope Francis said on Sunday, declining to give further details.
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Shares of Relx Plc (LON:REL – Get Rating) passed above its 200-day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 2,415.80 ($30.17) and traded as high as GBX 2,629 ($32.83). Relx shares last traded at GBX 2,625 ($32.78), with a volume of 2,139,511 shares trading hands. Wall […]
Lihua Wu's journey to the United States started when she scrolled past the words "The Route", one of several common hashtags on Douyin, the Chinese counterpart of TikTok, advising migrants on the irregular overland trek across Latin America to the United States, also known online as "the Big Beautiful."