Sixty-eight percent of candidates in the July 10 Upper House election favor strengthening Japan’s defense, nearly double the 37 percent of three years ago, reflecting fears about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a survey showed.
Around one-third of candidates in the July 10 Upper House election are female, the highest ratio since Japanese women were first allowed to vote and run for Diet seats in 1946.
Japan's ruling parties are projected to secure a majority of the 125 seats up for grabs in the July 10 House of Councillors election, a Kyodo News survey showed Thursday. It also suggested that the pro-constitutional revision camp, including Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's Liberal Democratic Party and some small opposition…
Campaigning kicked off June 22 for the Upper House election that will give voters their first opportunity to assess the Kishida administration’s performance since it took power eight months ago, with skyrocketing increases in consumer prices and fuel due to the weakening yen being a key issue.