The CRB says it hasn t been included in Syracuse s draft police reform, despite being the primary local police oversight organization.
Anything related to the Syracuse Police Department, the CRB has jurisdiction. We are the oversight agency for the Syracuse Police Department. How can you do anything policing without including us?
The 76-page Syracuse Police Reform and Reinvention Draft Plan was quietly released late last week, and largely builds upon the mayor’s executive order from last June. The plan is also intended to satisfy the Governor’s executive order that all police departments review use of force, racial bias, de-escalation, among other things in response to protests over police treatment of people of color. Releford with the CRB says the plan seems to enable the board to obtain more information from SPD about questionable police conduct. But she says there still needs to be a change in how people perceive the CRB and its role in the commun