DEAR PET TALK: Is it easier to take care of a cat than a dog? Jayra Her, McKay Campus School, Fitchburg DEAR JAYRA: We put this question to our Be PAWSitive Therapy Pets community on Facebook and a lot (okay, 100 percent) of people said that cats were easier to care for! And this is […]
DEAR PET TALK: What breed is best for a service dog, and how do they train service dogs? — Alice and Logan, 4th graders in Mr. Wironen’s classroom, Reingold School in Fitchburg. DEAR ALICE AND LOGAN: Service dogs can be trained for a wide variety of functions to help a person. According to the Americans […]
FITCHBURG Take a look at some of the projects underway at Fitchburg Public School facilities throughout the city. Assistant School Superintendent of Finance and Operations Jeremy Roche presented a progress report for the Crocker Elementary School construction and many other ongoing projects district-wide during a meeting shortly before classes began this academic year. Crocker […]