Evanston Township High School District 202 unanimously approved its tentative 2025 fiscal year budget and heard a presentation on student well-being at its meeting Monday night. The district’s budget for the next fiscal year is tentatively set at $112.7 million, a 7% increase from last year. The district’s operating budget represents $99.5 million of the.
In-depth: Amid past grievances, residents of the Assyrian Christian-majority town of Ankawa in Iraqi Kurdistan are cautiously optimistic about their new autonomous status.
Still bearing the cross
The country is rebuilding churches, but will anyone fill the pews?
HINGS ARE moving quickly in Qaraqosh, a sleepy Christian town just outside Mosul in northern Iraq. Pope Francis arrives on March 7th, four years after Islamic State (
IS) was chased out. So local priests have been hurriedly cleaning up al-Tahira, their cathedral and one of Iraq’s largest churches. They have refurbished its burnt interior and repaired most of the masonry that the jihadists used for target practice. When your correspondent visited, five days before the pope, smashed chandeliers and a golden crucifix torn down by