two birds with one stone by regifting that hideous gift your aunt just gave us? cnn chief business correspondent christine romans is here. where are you on regifting? i think regift something fine, just make sure you regift it to somebody who the first person doesn t find out. take the card out also. i know from experience, you need to take the card out. it s the thought that counts of course, but, look, i don t want that reindeer sweater with jingle bells, right, so some retailers have a no questions asked policy to return, others have strict rules that make returning purchases frustrating or impossible. here is what you can do to make returns easier, don t open the box ever, don t remove the packaging on a gift you don t want. ever. look, you risk a restocking fee if packaging isn t intact, i m mostly talking about electronics here. if product tags are missing you will be stuck with that item. keep the gift receipts, don t throw them out with the wrapping paper. some retail
we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum okay. time for cnn business. they say it s better to give than receive, but why not kill two birds with one stone by regifting that hideous gift your aunt just gave you. cnn chief business correspondent christine romans is here. where are you on regifting? just make sure you regift it that the first person doesn t find out. take the card. i know from experience you need to take the card out. just saying. it s the thought that counts, of course, but look, i don t want that reindeer sweater with jingle bells, right? so some retailers have a no questions asked policy to return. others have strict rules that make returning purchases frustrating or impossible. here s what you can do to make returns easier. don t open the box ever. don t remove the packaging on a gift you don t want. ever. look, you risk a restocking
dress appropriately. because we had a bowling party and you wore a bowling shirt. remember when we had the bowling out in front of the building. they made us bowling shirts. i wore it on the other one. you had captain hegseth. maria molina. we take our bowling quite seriously, don t we, maria? there s kevin mcca not do any actual and brian tully. and my reindeer sweater. wear that every year. and there you see kevin. that s my photo bomb.
maryland, where there is a lockdown situation after an attack on a worker there. the statement reads, the morning at approximately 10:30 a.m., suburban hospital employee was assaulted at the hospital. the hospital now on lockdown and there is a sizable police presence there. staff and patients are safe. emergency room closed. visitors and patients should not go to the hospital until further notice. kel: do you hate that reindeer sweat they re your up at mildreed or someone else has given you for christmas? you re in luck. some retailers softened the stance on returns this season to rake in some extra dough, extra cash. heather childers has the details from new york. heather, will this result in savings for me to turn in the sweater i don t like? after years of tightening policies, yes, if you must, if you want to return the reindeer sweater, it will be easier. macy s toys r us, office max some stores that relaxed the return policies this year. but it may end up being
going forward. julie: christian, i wish we had better news on the healthcare front. take care. gregg: that was cheap shot. julie: i couldn t help myself. gregg: did you get a few gifts this holiday season, the color isn t yours, retailers are making it easier for you to return them. however, some people may try to get advantage of those return policies, but stores are getting pretty savvy, julie. they are tracking returns to see if certain customers are abusing the policy. heather has more on this one. reporter: happy new year, baby. after years of tightening the policy, yes maybe you want to return that reindeer sweater you got. it will be easier, office max and toys r us of relaxed return policies but it may be