/PRNewswire/ Public health agencies across the US are at a crossroads, finds the Reimagining Public Health Survey produced by Ernst & Young LLP (EY US)..
The COVID-19 crisis could reshape public health for the better.
The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the already-existing fault lines in public health. How the field re-builds in the next 5-10 years could make all the difference for the next pandemic. Illustration by Molly Magnell, BFA 18
April 9, 2021 SHARE
Few are happy with how the COVID-19 pandemic was handled in the United States in its first year: staggering infection rates, hospitals running out of beds, a death toll that topped 500,000 (as of March 1, 2021). Restaurants and small businesses closed, opened and closed again, with many going out of business; unemployment numbers climbed; and in the midst of it all, misleading and conflicting information was both rampant and worrying.