1939-2023 Roger H. Luscombe, a beloved husband, father, and grandfather, and a respected broadcaster, passed away on November 22, 2023, in Poland Township, Ohio. Born on April 23, 1939, in Warren, Ohio, to Edward and Hazel (McKibben) Luscombe, Roger was a pillar of his community and a beacon of positivity to those who had the […]
To the editor: I was very disappointed when attending the school levy forum at Salem’s auditorium with the lack of attendance. This levy is a big issue for everyone living in Salem. The Board of Education’s committee for the levy had slides on what the new K-8 building could look like with possible classrooms also […]
SALEM New story boards were recently installed at Sebo Stadium. The boards, purchased with Historic Reilly funds, cost roughly $1,000. The stand on the left designed by The Graphic Touch of Salem, tells the history of Historic Reilly Stadium from its namesake General James Reilly’s estate paying for the construction of Reilly School, to […]