Gilda’s Club Grand Rapids has announced that it is collaborating with The Healing Nest of Western Michigan to host a Self-Care Day for women receiving cancer treatment.
Crystal Bowl Didgeridoo Reiki Binaural Beats Sound Bath Drop into deep peace with twelve Crystal Bowls playing Binaural Beats, 3 Didgeridoos, Native Flutes, Koshi Chimes and more! Reiki Master energy flows throughout this live, sonic, deeply healing, transformative journey. Please bring a yoga mat, pillow, blanket and a desire to be transported by sacred sound.
On a quiet street corner, a neon sign promises psychic readings, fortunes told for a small fee. Some signs advertise crystals, tarot, reiki or clairvoyance, a never-ending list of tools to peer into the other side.
On a quiet street corner, a neon sign promises psychic readings, fortunes told for a small fee. Some signs advertise crystals, tarot, reiki or clairvoyance, a never-ending list of tools to peer into the other side.