police ontinue to investigate detailssof an ccidentall3 dead.@ng that left teenager it happened while two young oys %-headquaaters with a update ona %-melinda?saw first on fox. it happpnnd in northeast baltimore monday evening. and now pooice confirm that -3 ear-old harles diesmessr and his friend founddthat hhndggn inside of a bedroom in theehooe, when they started to @%scharged. it accidentally although it still is unclear which one of thhe wws holding the gun at the time. police do believe it was an the teen died minutes later at3 the hospital. after hearing what haapened, police and neighbors thhttlive allng westfield avenue still have questions. we eed to ffgure out who th3 and why the juveniles had access to the un. and, basically why they were %- you have to keep those guns locked up..3 with keys and all oofthat. they have a nice ffmily over it is a real shamee police say thee willlpass to deeide if any criminnltors, charges should be filed againnt anyone. regi
after hearing what haapened, police and neighbors thhttlive allng westfield avenue still have questions. we eed to ffgure out who th3 and why the juveniles had access to the un. and, basically why they were %- you have to keep those guns locked up..3 with keys and all oofthat. they have a nice ffmily over it is a real shamee police say thee willlpass to deeide if any criminnltors, charges should be filed againnt anyone. registered. live tonight from police headduarters. melinda roeder, ox 45 news @%ate edition. laurel business owner robbed this morning, takes the law into his own hands. killing he suspect. it happened bout 3:30 this morning. the suspect walking into the ggs station, according to police, aloog fort meade rood and said he had a weaaon. momeets llter the owner and suspect had an argument outtide@ and the suspect was shot, aad killed. i do think the guy was wrong3 for going in there and trying to -obbthh place. i do noo feel sorry for him a bit.@ because