Norwich ― The award of a $66,967 grant this week to a Taftville yoga studio to renovate its new home at 11 North Second Ave. signals the completion of the $2 million small business portion of the Norw.
Norwich ― By this coming fall, there could be a locally owned restaurant open in the former racquetball court, and retail space, offices and apartments under construction, as Mattern Construction Inc..
Norwich ― Mayor Peter Nystrom highlighted major public and private developments, fueled by millions of dollars in state and federal grants during his annual State of the City address Tuesday but also .
Norwich ― In what could be the city’s final adjustments to the spending plan for the city’s $28 million American Rescue Plan Act grant, the City Council last week approved $300,000 for renovations to .
Why did so many local towns and cities use federal pandemic relief money for purchases that ranged from new plow trucks, remodeled skate parks and the completion of luxury apartments?
Because they cou.