Prime Minister Imran Khan chaired the federal cabinet meeting Tuesday. Along with the political and economical situation in the country, the leaders discussed electronic voting machines, overseas Pakistani s right to vote, and visas for Afghan nationals. At a press conference after the meeting, Federal Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry briefed the media regarding the updates in the meeting. He said that not a single cabinet meeting goes by without the mention of overseas Pakistanis.
Prime Minister Imran Khan has announced that his government would constitute a Rehmatulil Alameen Authority to monitor textbooks being taught at schools. The PM made the announcement at the Rehmatulil-Alameen conference in Islamabad on Sunday. He said he would oversee the work of the proposed authority, which would be headed by a religious scholar. The government was already looking for the chairman of the authority, he said. The authority would also educate the world about Islam and carry out research on Seeratun Nabi (PBUH), according to the prime minister. Imran Khan said Allah Almighty commanded Muslims to learn from the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and there were tw.