The Partners for Nurse Staffing s Task Force revealed five critical imperatives needed to overhaul the nursing workplace and also offered actionable suggestions on how to get the job done.
President Benigno S. “Noynoy” Aquino III made a pledge to the voters of The Philippines who elected him in a 2010 landslide to reduce long-standing and endemic corruption. If he can deliver on the promise he will increase economic freedom.
Central Asia, especially Kazakhstan rich in oil and gas, and the world’s largest landlocked country is the focus of many Fortune 500 companies seeking new business development and market penetration in emerging economies. In the 2012 edition of the Index of Economic Freedom, Kazakhstan’s economy ranks as the 65th-freest in the world. Kazakhstan ranks higher than all other Central Asian countries, and its overall score is higher than the world average in general, and Russia in particular (place 144). There remains much room for improvement which Kazakhstan can achieve if it pursues additional market-oriented reforms, the rule of law, government transparency, tougher anti-corruption laws, and counterterrorism measures.