they said directly caused by a loose restraint and the medical examiner said she died from multiple injuries. bill: 14 stories, she is dead. how is this safe? bill: i don t oppose regulating rides and there should be people who are looking at the rides but it comes down to the six flags and they will have to fork out about 10 or $20 million. they are investigating the matter. and they should. going to run a high risk ride you have got to make sure everything is solid. you are going to pay when it fails. how about do something so it doesn t happen again? bill: thanks as always. in a moment, dr. ben carson some threats that some big time pop stars will boycott the state of florida over stand your ground. talking jesus this morning. handle that on the factor tip of the day upcoming. [ male announcer ] centrum has been a leader in multivitamins
caused by a loose restraint and the medical examiner said she died from multiple injuries. bill: 14 stories, she is dead. how is this safe? bill: i don t oppose regulating rides and there should be people who are looking at the rides but it comes down to the six flags and they will have to fork out about 10 or $20 million. they are investigating the matter. and they should. going to run a high risk ride you have got to make sure everything is solid. you are going to pay when it fails. how about do something so it doesn t happen again? bill: thanks as always. in a moment, dr. ben carson some threats that some big time pop stars will boycott the state of florida over stand your ground. talking jesus this morning. handle that on the factor tip of the day upcoming. hi. i m henry winkler. and i m here to tell homeowners that are 62 and older about a great way to live a better retirement. it s called a reverse mortgage. [ male announcer ] call right now to receive your free d
caused by a loose restraint and the medical examiner said she died from multiple injuries. bill: 14 stories, she is dead. how is this safe? bill: i don t oppose regulating rides and there should be people who are looking at the rides but it comes down to the six flags and they will have to fork out about 10 or $20 million. they are investigating the matter. and they should. going to run a high risk ride you have got to make sure everything is solid. you are going to pay when it fails. how about do something so it doesn t happen again? bill: thanks as always. in a moment, dr. ben carson some threats that some big time pop stars will boycott the state of florida over stand your ground. talking jesus this morning. handle that on the factor tip of the day upcoming. my insurance rates are probably gonna double.