05.06.21 Patient And Site Partners Ready To Help With Your Trials
All science aside, operational issues can be a huge impediment to rapid, safety-conscious, cost-effective research. Implementing a decentralized eSource platform wherever it makes sense can make a big difference and Clinical Ink is the hands-down leader in virtual trials.
Seven of the top fifteen global biopharmaceutical companies are on a single clinical technology platform, leveraging one environment, operating via common workflows, documents and training.
Our Regional Site Managers (RSMs) are recapturing the importance of building relationships with clinical sites. Our RSMs can act as a “one-stop shop” for all activities related to a clinical study site.
02.12.21 Partners Ready To Help With Your Study Startup Process
Your sites are likely feeling pressure as they never have before due to COVID-19. Between mass staffing shortages, mounting financial constraints, and ever-increasing new study or trial registrations the clinical research industry is experiencing a perfect storm. See how you can help your sites overcome this new reality.
Oracle Analyze Insight for Activate Cloud Service intelligence improves transparency, communication, and collaboration with CROs by providing sponsors with timely status updates and operational insights into outsourced studies with their CRO partners, leading to enhanced performance and governance. Through visually rich analytics and dashboards, we help transition your team from a process that is reactive to one that is more proactive.