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19 May 2021 | 09:45am
StockMarketWire.com - Property investor Regional REIT upped its first-quarter dividend by 7% after notching higher rent collections.
The company declared a dividend for the three months through March of 1.6p per share, up from 1.5p year-on-year.
Regional REIT said it completed a number of lease renewals during the quarter, achieving rental uplifts of 6.4% versus the prior rent level.
At 14 May, collection for first-quarter rent due had increased to 96.1% from 90.4%, as previously announced on the 21 April. The oompany s asset management team continues to actively engage with its highly diversified roster of tenants to ensure the maintenance of strong quarterly rent collections, Regional REIT said.
21 April 2021 | 09:26am
StockMarketWire.com - Property investor Regional REIT said it had collected 90.4% of rents due for the firs quarter.
The total comprised 84.8% rent received, monthly rents of 2.9% and agreed collection plans of 2.7%.
The company said the 84.8% of rent received compared favourably with a collection of 83.8% for the equivalent period in 2020.
At 9:26am: [LON:RGL] Regional Reit Limited share price was 0p at 78p
Story provided by StockMarketWire.com
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26 January 2021 | 09:47am
StockMarketWire.com - Office property investor Regional REIT said it had 95.5% of rent due for 2020.
The collection rate was in-line with the 96.9% of rent collected for the equivalent period in 2019.
As at 22 January, first-quarter rent collections were at 99.2%, second quarter at 97.4% and third quarter at 97.2%.
Fourth-quarter collection, adjusting for monthly rent and agreed collection plans, stood at 88.7%, in line with the equivalent date in 2019 when 88.8% had been collected. The company remains in supportive and ongoing discussions with tenants regarding the remainder of the outstanding rent, and expects to collect the vast majority of it in due course, Regional REIT said.