Chennai: Isuzu Motors India (IMI), a subsidiary of Isuzu Motors Limited, Japan, has announced key changes in the top management. Mr. Rajesh Mittal, succeeds Mr. Wataru Nakano, as the President of Isuzu Motors India (IMI). He will be the first pe
Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA) is a membership-based, non-governmental organisation working in Afghanistan since 1980. SCA’s vision is an independent Afghanistan in peace, where human rights are respected, rural communities are empowered, and all Afghans have the right and opportunity to democratic participation in the governance of their country.
The work encompasses programmes for education, health, support to persons with disabilities and rural development. There are also support units for all programme activities relating to civil society, human rights & gender, communication and advocacy. SCA’s main target group is the rural population, specifically women and girls and people with disability. SCA’s operations include capacity development, advocacy and service delivery. The work is always conducted in close cooperation with the local population. The management office is situated in Kabul, while operations are carried out in 17 provinces from five