CARE calls for respect for the obligation to protect civilian populations in Niger
Niamey, Niger [January 5, 2021]- As a humanitarian and development organization working in Niger, CARE International is deeply concerned about the ongoing crisis in the Tillabéry region and its impact on the civilian populations, mostly women and children.
As a reminder, on January 2, 2021, the Tillabéry region, on the border with Burkina Faso and Mali, suffered an attack by armed groups in the villages of Zaroumadareye and Tchoma Bangou causing the death of a hundred people and dozens of injured.
CARE urges respect for international humanitarian law and human rights, including the protection of civilians, by all parties to the conflict. Every civilian death is a tragedy and we urge all parties to the conflict to respect their obligation to protect civilian populations, already severely affected by the conflict, the effects of climate change and the secondary impacts of the COVID-19 pandem