Captioning performed by vitac many have expressed concern that facebook could outcompete banks and nondepository Financial Institutions and become some sort of Financial Services monopoly. I understand facebook has demonstrated a dominance in the social media space but i want to better understand this Financial Services monopoly idea. The Libra Association is made up of 28 pounding members, more to come, many of which have played in the Payment Processing space for a long time. Some of these firms are very large, visa and mastercard have billions of cardholders and process trillions of dollars worth of transactions. Some have argued that this association is a thinly veiled attempt at facebook eventually attempting to create a bank. It may or may not be, but i am more reminded of another Payment Innovation that started in the 1950s and 1960s as associations of likeminded companies, the Bank Card Payment networks. Banks issued their own cards, but banded together as Regional Bank card as