Scientists from Hong Kong have developed a soft, bio-inspired heat pipe technology based on squids. Their research has been published in the journal Droplet.
Writing in the journal Scientific Reports, a team of researchers from the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Poland have investigated eggshells and orange peel as organic sorbents to treat wastewater.
Scientists from Ukraine have investigated how to ensure sustainable energy development and the key economic, ecological, and social development policy impacts on strategies that can achieve this sustainability. Their findings have appeared in the journal Energies.
Ultrafast battery charging is a key aim of research at the moment, with several key challenges which need to be overcome to achieve it. Writing in the journalĀ ACS Energy Letters, a team of scientists from China and Israel have explored the development of lithium-ion batteries with solvent-assisted hopping mechanisms to achieve this aim.
Scientists from Romania have evaluated the use of bacteria to improve mortar in construction applications, investigating several different strains. Their findings have been published in the journal Materials.