Despite the impressive win by the Ian Parsard-conditioned Run Julie Run in the $3-million The Portmore main feature race, second-generation trainer Gary Subr.
The $1.4-million Poorlittlerichgirl Trophy over 7 furlongs (1,400m) is the headline event on tomorrow's 10-race card.
The three-year-old and upward Open Allowance contest will see last year's.
THERE were two interesting ads in the official form book.
Firstly, advising the recommended training fees now stand at $3,500 per day to address the increase in the grooms' weekly wages to $5,00.
The three-year-old and upwards Graded Stakes/Open Allowance call for the $1.5-million Supreme Ventures Racing and Entertainment Limited (SVREL) 6th Anniversary Trophy takes centre stage at Cay.