The Dorothy Q Chapter, NSDAR, met April 20 at the Elston Memorial Home. Several Dorothy Q daughters were present, with one guest. Rita Kirkpatrick, filling in for Regent Michele Borden, called …
The Dorothy Q Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, came together at 1 p.m. Dec. 16, to enjoy an Old Time Christmas Gathering with a cookie exchange and singing of Christmas carols. A …
The Dorothy Q Chapter, National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution, met at 1 p.m. Sept. 16 in the Elston Memorial House. Regent Michele Borden welcomed members and two special guests, …
The Dorothy Q Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, met for our final meeting of the chapter year at 2 p.m. June 17 at the Elston Memorial Home. Regent Michele Borden welcomed 12 members and …
The Dorothy Q Chapter, National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution, met at 2 p.m. March 18 in the Elston Memorial House with Regent Michele Borden presiding. She welcomed 12 members and …