Corey Marioneaux Jr., a Pensacola man, will not be charged for firing at the Pensacola Police Department SWAT Team when they entered his Florida home in February to serve a search warrant.
Calls continue for police accountability following Chauvin guilty verdict
Following the guilty verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial, the Justice Department on Wednesday announced it’s opening a sweeping investigation into policing practices in Minneapolis.
Chauvin was found guilty of murder and manslaughter in George Floyd’s death last May. Jacksonville attorney Reganel Reeves said the jury got the verdict right, but he said the fight for civil rights and police accountability can’t stop.
“This trial right here is the trial of this generation,” Reeves said. “Obviously, civil rights is a slow moving process in this country. Seeing somebody, you know, put a knee to the back somebody’s neck for nine minutes, maliciously, and getting convicted shouldn’t be a surprise.”