the moment we go on tv, there is someone attacking us, sometimes personally, sometimes violently on twitter. it happens on a reg basis, certainly people may agree with his position or go one step further on the position, they will make negative comments on twitter as well, it s unfortunate. also retweeting you know what vitriolic stuff people are saying, he s retweeting it to the family members of john mccain. he retweeted something to cindy, to megan mccain the other day. the idea that he is going through his own feed i assume it s him and finding, you know, tweets that agree with him. isn t that nor the president to spend his time doing that weird? there are better battles to choose, no question. and i think he should choose better battles going forward in terms of the things he s pushing forward on his agenda and some of the folks coming at him from
you re saying that the story of what s happening in the white house is being misreported. maybe you don t want to believe what is coming out in the press. i read all of it. it s not just reporters saying this. it s members of your own party. ben sass said this about the especial op-ed. it s what we hear from senior people around the white house, you e know, three times a week. bob corker, the biggest issue is figuring out who would not have written a letter like that. what do you say to them? i think it s ironic to have senators trying to criticize the white house because they think it s dysfunctional when we have the most dysfunctional congress and ben sass says that on a reg basis. i don t think any of those gentlemen, i have a high regard
is what will hollywood did with that? these awards are wonderful and i m glad these folks are nominated, that s all terrific. but they i think from a commercial standpoint almost are looking for a way to bring them into the golden globe mainstream. and that means doing really what in some ways if i read you correctly what in some ways scandal has done for tv. yes. today there aren t that many dramas that star a black male. some things come up but nothing on a reg basis. so it becomes a part of the way you negotiate hollywood. let s talk about d.c. politics. i know that you are a supporter of president obama. he has taken a lot of the