After the Russian army bombed her town, Mykolaiv in southern Ukraine, Valentina Ejova decided to flee. The 72-year-old Ukrainian woman first made her way to Moldova and then to Austria. This is her story, as told to the United Nations Population Fund.
By InfoMigrants Published on : 2021/03/11
On International Women s Day, InfoMigrants spoke with Louma Albik, the Syrian-born founder of the humanitarian aid organization SB Overseas. Based in Brussels, the NGO funds schools for Syrian refugees in Lebanon and offers empowerment classes to women.
When Louma Albik decided to start a humanitarian organization it was her dream to help as many people as possible without giving them the feeling that they needed help. She wanted them to become independent and educated.
That was around eight years ago. SB Overseas, which began as a small community effort in the Belgian capital Brussels, has gone on to fund three schools in Lebanon, home to over 1.5 million Syrian refugees. It also offers vocational and empowerment courses to adults aimed at combating the practice of child marriage.