modern day prophets and apostles. they believe they have a direct line to god. c peter wagner wrote the first age of the apostles occurred just after jesus was resurrected a couple thousand years ago. the second apostlic age started around the year 2001 and the new apostles for the second apostlic age are c peter wagner and the others in this movement. evangelicals who think the end of the world is upon us now and it s time to get ready and fast, the new apostlic reformation guys think the only way the world can end is if they clear the way for it by infiltrating and taking over politics and government, taking over what they describe the seven mountains of society, the seven are family, religion, arts and
pastolic reformation. the theology is that they are modern day prophets and apostles. they believe they have a direct line to god. c peter wagner wrote the first age of the apostles occurred just after jesus was resurrected a couple thousand years ago. the second apostlic age started around the year 2001 and the new apostles for the second apostlic age are c peter wagner and the others in this movement. evangelicals who think the end of the world is upon us now and it s time to get ready and fast, the new apostlic reformation guys think the only way the world can end is if they clear the way for it by infiltrating and taking over politics and government, taking over what they describe the seven mountains of society, the seven