/PRNewswire/ SuperGreen Solutions (www.supergreensolutions.com), is thrilled to unveil its highly anticipated referral app, which will allow our clients,.
Industry influencers are talking about AskMyAdvisor™ We believe we have built the Holy Grail for generating repeatable referrals, said Brian Ouellette, Founder of AskMyAdvisor™. Many clients dislike being asked for referrals. Some despise it. Yet, they LOVE referring their advisors. It s an odd conflict. We ve resolved this catch-22 with this referral software app.
This referral app solves this age-old problem. Designed to be 3rd grade simple to operate, in less than 10-minutes, an advisor can have their Q&A platform live online and ready to share.
Ouellette added, Coaching pro athlete advisors for the past 10 year, we quickly learned how influential sports agent center of influence (COI) relationships were. It was 18-months ago when we realized that advisors had access to a far superior COI relationship, already built-in. This meant no need to develop new relationships from scratch.