The show stars Chhavi Pandey, Geetanjali Tikekar, and Nasirr Khan in pivotal roles. Shubh Laabh has seen many new entries in the show so far. Aamir Khan, will be seen paying an entry on the show |
Multifaceted Kinnari Mehtaa is the leading producer of her generation. She discusses what makes Madam Sir a different show, her journey so far and ahead, leaving us mesmerised. |
Reema Worah who plays a pivotal role in Naagin 6 opens up on her thoughts on the changing content in TV, shares what kind of roles she would love to do with her partner Rajesh Kumar and much more. |
Nupur Dhariwal is currently seen in Colors' popular supernatural drama series Naagin 6. The actress is seen playing the role of Simba Nagpal's sister in the show. |