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Schiller Institute May 8 Conference Rallying Point for Peace Through Development
May 7, 2021 (EIRNS) Today in the Syria Times, a “Special Interview” with Helga Zepp LaRouche, President and founder of the Schiller institute, was posted by Editor in Chief Reem Hadad, who said in the introduction that the Institute’s “motto is ‘mobilizing globally for a New Paradigm of Mankind.’ The Schiller Institute is currently conducting a series of conferences . to try to gain support for the idea that only a ‘Peace Through Development’ approach can resolve the situation..”
On Syria specifically, Zepp LaRouche said in the interview, that, “An economic development plan for all of Southwest Asia must be put on the agenda, and all neighbors from Russia, China, India to Egypt and hopefully including the U.S. must be won over to participate.” The interview publicizes that Mrs. Bouthaina Shaaban, the Political and Media Advisor to President A