see a recession in the future. that s what larry kudlow said not long ago a few moments ago. in reality the people behind the scenes are paying attention to what these trends are showing. they are worried about it and they re telling the president that, they re being honest with him and he s responding in kind. he knows a lot of his reelection hinges on the economy. that s why you re seeing the president lash out in ways about the economy. yes, i m considering this, and then when one aide shows the president that actually, remember, president obama is someone who instituted that payroll tax cut in 2012, that s something the president then came out against yesterday, citing what president obama did. so they re trying to propose all these different ways to stave this off, and the president is responding in kind saying publicly he s fine with it, but behind the scenes aides are saying that is not the case that s happening inside the west wing. kim collins, appreciate it. perspective now
there are bridge where s some of the key republican leadership come from, where folks have to do detours every day. they have to keep talking jobs, that nod to kentucky is for mitch mcconnell who is against everything. finally, especially jobs, finally, president obama s pitch for reelection hinges on the success of the auto industry bailout. get this, one of romney s aides says the come back of the auto industry is thanks to come back from romney, here he is on saturday. he wrote and op-ed, and he said if you want to save them don t just write them checks, they need to go through a managed bankruptcy process.
they have to keep talking jobs, that nod to kentucky is for mitch mcconnell who is against everything. finally, especially jobs, finally, president obama s pitch for reelection hinges on the success of the auto industry bailout. get this, one of romney s aides says the come back of the auto industry is thanks to come back from romney, here he is on saturday. he wrote and op-ed, and he said if you want to save them don t just write them checks, they need to go through a managed bankruptcy process. it s exactly what mitt romney told them to do. consider that the crown jewel, the only economic success that president obama has had, is because he followed mitt romney s advice.
there are bridges between kentucky and ohio where some of the key republican leadership come from, where folks are having to do detours an extra hour, hour and a half drive every day. they have to keep talking jobs. mitch mcconnell is against everything. finally, much of president obama s pitch for reelection hinges, of course, on the success of the auto industry bailout, saving gm and chrysler from going under. get this, eric furstrom, one of romney s aides, says the come-back in the auto industry is all from advice from mitt romney. this was on saturday. mitt romney wrote to the new york times when george bush was still president. he said, look, if you want to save the auto industry, don t just write checks. they need to go through a managed bankruptcy process.