this is peaceful. we appreciate the peace. rocks are being thrown. greg: they denied the rise in crime going on because of the defunding of the police ideology and the demoralization of the cops. none of the networks are covering it except for fox. mr. trump: they don t prosecute murderers, killers, a guy killed an old woman, grandmother the other day. they don t even talk about it. they only go after republicans. it s true, the prosecutors. they only go after republicans. what people are getting away with in new york. what they are getting away with in chicago. look at chicago. they say 113 people were shot at and 28 died. that s worse than afghanistan was. we didn t have that. we didn t lose i told you a soldier in many, many months and here they have 20 people died over the weekend. it s a disgrace. greg: taliban has finally made afghanistan as dangerous as
movement basically saying that america is endemically racist. mr. trump: even the woman soccer team, the woman with the purple hair, she wasn t a fan of mine. she said negative things and then she lost. woke means your loser. i am watching parents in virginia. they are tired of it. they don t want it. they are finally getting it. school boards. they are throwing these maniacs out. it s been great to watch. greg: it used to be on campuses and now it s in high schools, critical race theory is being taught in grade schools and stuff. parents are finally engaged and showing up. that s kind of knew, don t you think? mr. trump: i entered it in the military but as soon as they came in they put it back in. we had guys that got paid $444,000 to teach critical race theory and wokism. to teach it. i said boy, they are highly paid. i said they are highly paid and the more importantly their theye
or the homeless but i can come after you. it s a low-hanging fruit, low risk. i can get righteous without spending any capital. kash: you have a willing mainstream media. there is a 50% increase in violent crime in chicago, new york and los angeles. shootings. two weeks ago a 5-year-old got shot. a 5-year-old got shot. that should be national news. going back to gangs, it s a hard problem here we tried to graph it crack it under trump. but the media doesn t care. he took on violent crimes in narco trafficking and they didn t care and now we have more children getting shot, more drugs and refugees not getting vaccinated. they don t care about that because it s a voting block that they can retain. they are going to try to buy it by saying take from the rich and give it you everything that you want we will be the biggest hypocrites on planet earth. greg: coming up, the next
patients with you. that s his frustration. you hired your administration. you re not getting rid of anyone. the worst part, the reason why that didn t get a lot of attention was because mainstream media is whole narrative is it s the numbers that don t get vaccinated and those are the ones hurting the country. the leader of the trumpers is not only vaccinated, he s promoting to get vaccinated and doing it in a way where you re comfortable with it. he didn t insult your wife. he didn t say if i was you, i would divorce her. because that s what we are seeing the size of what is supposed to be come up with those two interviews together, run them side-by-side. who is the bully? who are the american people going to listen to? it s president trump. greg: jason, when i saw biden today, and i m going like, he s going to reelect trump and trump winds if he decides to run.
they are so bad, and it s about time somebody came in and you re really beating them badly, greg. greg: i feel like i m beating up on people. mr. trump: they are not very talented, you are. greg: i am mildly talented. mr. trump: you are very different. greg: yes, i am. that s true. clap away. if that is not emmy award winning stuff, i don t know what is. maybe if i sent contagious people to nursing homes and then grabbed my coworkers asses, i would have a chance. but i won t. but the fun hasn t stopped yet because it is time for. another meeting of the minds part three. greg: part three of the greatest presidential interview in the history of presidential interviews. that s not funny. warning, this interview is so powerful it may change forever the way you look at the world