-Your hosts are Boyd Pierce and Jim Ross.
MR. WRESTLING (North American Champion) vs. JOE SAVOLDI
-Savoldi snapmares Old Mister around a little bit, but Mister yanks the hair to get away. He gets Savoldi on the mat for headscissors, but Savoldi flips free, and the commentators give the edge to Mister Wrestling on technique, but the edge for speed to Savoldi. Mister tries a side headlock, and they go back and forth until Savoldi catches him coming off the ropes with a hiptoss.
-Mister finally just throws a punch to daze Savoldi to take over, and JR is dismayed because it’s not like the guy’s name is Mister Punch. Savoldi backs him into the ropes and instead of a clean break, Mister punches him down, and Savoldi just gets fed up with this bullshit and punches back, lighting into Mister’s ribs with lefts and rights, but Mister cuts him off and backdrops him. Million-dollar kneelift gets the win for the champ. Good match, with the champ getting a convincing win while Savoldi got