Anne freeman talks about her lifelong research on hamilton hafment. Owe she talks about how she became interested in this founding father and how she used his writings to understand what motivated him. The museum of the American Revolution hosted this talk. It is about an hour. Forgive me. I have not only grown gray, but almost blind in the service of this museum. [laughter] well, it is incredibly exciting to welcome my friend of nearly 30 years now, joanne freeman, who i got to know running the streets of charlottesville when we were both graduate students. Apparent at the time. There were a lot of smart people, but joanne was already head and shoulders above her colleagues, just head a an incredibly sharp mind. Was already talking about this founding father guy, Alexander Hamilton. The rest of us were come on, that is sort of boring, but a lot of things about the work of joanne. R first book, public lish in 2001, does this sound familiar . A rousing discourse on the utopian republic.
Division of Walter Reed Army Medical Center presents unwelcome affection. And now, here is the chief of staff of walter reed, colonel gerald allgood. Sexualharassment is a matter of deep and personal concern to both the secretary of the army and the army chief of staff. Our concern has been expressed on several occasions in the past. It is important to reiterate the armys policy on this issue. The army is fully committed to a policy that demands respect for the Human Dignity of its members. Cannot succeed where Sexual Harassment exists. It is the responsibility of every soldier and every army leader, civilian and military, to ensure that any instances of Sexual Harassment are dealt with swiftly and fairly, and to promote the climate within the army that will not tolerate such conduct. Allegations of Sexual Harassment will be treated at all levels of command with the seriousness they deserve. Each person, male or female, must be treated and evaluated solely on how well tasks are carried
Audience so you can all engage us, but we can talk a lot about this, as we do not often get to be in a room with one another to discuss this. I will get to the panelists in the order that they are here. First up will be jennifer, the predoctoral fellow in history at the university of illinois at chicago. She earned her ba from North Carolina university. She earned an ma in history from the university of North Carolina at greensboro. She is a former faculty member at city college and has taught history at several institutions. Her dissertation traces the history of gender and sexuality. Through the 1950s through the early 2000s. At the heart is the resistance and activism of young women and lgbt students. They are examined as forces that challenge administrative policies, academic offerings and cultural institutions at historically black colleges. Through organizing this with activism on several grounds beginning with the modern Civil Rights Movement and ending with campaigns around ant
[applause]. Mister president good to see you i want to tell you story about this wristband that i wear every day on it are the words of the golden rule practiced the golden rule every day as you know the golden rule is a statement made by jesus recorded in the sermon on the mount in the gospel of matthew. It is translated in various ways but goes Something Like this. Do onto others as you would have them do unto you. A while back after a local event position in my hometown of st. Petersburg, florida, someone came up and he did me one of these. I put it on and i wear every day. I do myself dash i do so to remind myself that in this world the politics that we want to treat everybody the way that we would like to be treated. I hope you all will take the sentiment with you today when you leave. Remembering how jesus wanted all of us to live fairly and compassionately. As i mentioned its been a privilege that charlie and i have enjoyed this last year to lead a weekly Prayer Breakfast of hou
This is a volume that was owned by martha washington. It is a you can see her signature m. Washington. And its an Early Edition printed in england. It was known as a help and guide to christian families published in london in 1752. So quite likely a book she may well, you can imagine, have taken along with her to camp to spend the winter at valley forge. The top of the page is missing, almost certainly it was clipped by an autograph collector in the 19th century, presumably her name would have been written out there as well and it was probably clipped by a collector. And if any viewers have that in your collection, we would love to reunite the book and the autograph. But there is her signature, martha washington. So its entirely possible to imagine that thats a book that spent the winter at valley forge along with the general and his suffering soldiers. A few other objects, again, an object that quite likely was also used in valley forge, the soldiers canteen. It seems like a fairly mu