Vivo Y56 launched in India on February 17 at ₹19,990 for the single 8+128GB model. Here, we compare it against the Redmi Note 12 priced at ₹19,999 for the 6+128GB variant. Here are their complete differences.
Realme 10 Pro 5G and Redmi Note 12 5G are two of the first under Rs 20,000 5G offerings from two of the most popular budget-centric brands in India. Here is a detailed head-to-head comparison of the Redmi Note 12 and the Realme 10 Pro 5G.
Comparing the two budget phones by Redmi and Realme. Today we have the Redmi Note 12 Pro and Realme 10 Pro. Redmi Note 12 Pro was recently launched in India while the Realme 10 Pro was launched in December 2022.