Redmi India has officially launched the Note 11 smartphone today in India. The company also launched the Note 11S, Smart Band Pro and Smart TV X43. 📲 Redmi Note 11, Note 11S, Redmi Smart Band Pro & Smart TV X43 Launched in India; Check Prices & Other Details Here.
The Redmi Note 11 series will be launched on February 9 in India. The two phones will have 90Hz AMOLED displays, 5000mAh batteries and quad rear cameras.
The Redmi Note 11 series will be launched on February 9 in India. The two phones will have 90Hz AMOLED displays, 5000mAh batteries and quad rear cameras.
Last week, Redmi India had announced that it will launch the Note 11S smartphone in the country on February 9, 2022. Now, the company has released a new poster, which reveals that Redmi Note 11 will also debut in India, along with Redmi Note 11 and Note 11S. Redmi Note 11 To Debut Along With Note 11S on February 9, 2022.