Redmi Note 10 series is all set to be launched in India on March 4, 2021. Ahead of its launch, specifications of Redmi Note 10 series have been revealed online by the company. A dedicated page on Xiaomi India website has unveiled several specifications of the upcoming Note 10 series. Redmi Note 10 Series Specifications Revealed Ahead of Its India Launch.
Image: Redmi
Xiaomi has confirmed the launch of the Redmi Note 10 series in India on March 4. Under the series, the Chinese smartphone manufacturer is expected to launch two models including the Redmi Note 10 and Redmi Note 10 Pro. A lot has already been revealed about the upcoming Redmi Note series. Let’s take a quick look at everything we know so far about the soon-to-launch Redmi phones. Also Read - Top gaming smartphones priced under/almost Rs 20,000 to buy in April 2021
Redmi Note 10 series launch date revealed
The series, comprising the Redmi Note 10 and the Note 10 Pro, now has a dedicated micro page on and Amazon India, which tells us that the smartphone will also launch in India apart from other global markets. However, we still don’t know when exactly the phones will be available to buy in the country. Also Read - Poco X3 Pro, Redmi Note 10 Pro Max, Realme 8 Pro: Best smartphones under Rs 20,000 in April 2021