When i ask all of you, take out your smartphone if you have one. To get a sense of the audience. You are holding the entry point for a massive information system. I think it is important to understand that. Every time you think the proposals in this speech are unrealistic, i want you to look at your own smartphone and the apps you already have installed. Which is more presented of our future . The current failing bureaucracy or the smartphone in your hand . We have the opportunity to create a 21stcentury Veterans Service system, empowering veterans to use their smartphones to recenter services on their lives, at their convenience, and with the veteran rather than bureaucrat in charge. This vision of a dramatically more effective, more modern, more responsive veterans centered system is part of a much larger opportunity to think about the transition from late 19th century bureaucracy to 21stcentury citizen centered government. The three Major Regions to have a National Dialogue at the f
It is always great to be back discussing ideas. I want to thank the cnn Investigative Team who stayed on the scandals until they broke through and became a national crisis. Early on the stories were dismissed as isolated small problems. The teams continued effort grew the facts until they had to be dealt with. Our thinking on the future of the Veterans Administration has been deeply influenced by the hard work of chairman jeff miller and there find many staffs. We are further down the road because of their help. They have worked tirelessly and against a lot of opposition to help americans veterans find a better future. I want to thank our chief researcher on the v. A. And who developed the interactive map you will see. I want to thank Ross Worthington for helping think through these proposals. Let me say this is going to be a bold by washington standards radical speech. Im going to use terms that are not common in washington circles. Let me share a few of these new ideas ahead of time.
State to want to leave their union but do not know that they can, or when and how to do so, how many hundreds of thousands, or even millions of Union Members around the country want to do the same thing . Working with the association of tmerican educators we called i National Employee freedom week. That is this week. I am pleased to say that 81 organizations, which we have have to, in 45 states, come together with the sole purpose of letting people know that they have the ability to leave their union. You will hear from rebecca, robert, and jennifer and they stories aboutr trying to leave their unions. I want to tell you about the numbers that their stories represent. We decided to conduct a poll, a National Poll of Union Members asking if you could out out of your union without any penalty, would you do so . 454 Union Members across the country and over 28 said yes, i want to opt out of my union if i could do so without penalty. 14. 5 Union Members, so that is about 4 Million People w
It was a historic day where today Hillary Clinton, this is the news, became the first woman to be nominated. Has a plausible route from here to the white house. Everything else is just scuttle butt as they said in the navy which i was never in. That history was not lost on the person who knows her best, former president bill clinton who tonight made a case as to why his wave wife is the best and only choice for this countrys future. Heres what he said in his very emotional closing appeal tonight. I hope you will do it. I hope youll elect her. Those of us who have more yesterdays than tomorrows tend to care more about our children and grandchildren. The reason you should elect her is that in the greatest country on earth, we have always been about tomorrow. Your children and grandchildren will bless you forever if you do. God bless you. Thank you. I can tell you out there working that hall, i saw so many people gleaming at every word that president said. This hour ill tell you what i th
Tolerated. At Independence Hall im joined right now by everybody. Im chris matthews, right now back with the Democratic National convention and here in front of Independence Hall. It was a stark day, where Hillary Clinton began this is the news. The first woman to be nominated. And really has the applause from here to the white house by a major party for the office of president of the united states. Everything else is just scuttlebutt, as they say in the navy, which i was never in. Former president bill clinton who tonight made an impassioned case as to why his wife was the only choice for the president of the united states. Here is what he said in his emotional appeal. I hope you will do it. I hope you will elect her. Those of us who have more yesterdays than tomorrow, tend to care more about our children and grandchildren. The reason you should elect her is that in the greatest country on earth we have always been about tomorrow. Your children and grandchildren will bless you forever