Drivers in London, Ont., will likely see an increase in red light cameras and photo radar devices near schools following a motion passed during a committee vote on Wednesday.
while being a public figure culls with a lovell of interest from the public, it should never come at the cost of the public safety. police are reviewing any video they can get their hands on. they ll be review red light cameras, et cetera. meanwhile, in terms of prince harry and the duchess, we are told they are staying at a private residence. guys, back to you. jason, thank you so much. let s bring in kate williams. you know, kate, if you read harry s pretty recent memoir, a lot of it is on the paparazzi, how these treated his mother, how they treated him, his brother, people he dated, certainly his wife. i want to listen to a bit of that. every single time i hear a click, a flash, it sttake me
conduct, you know, evasive measures to get away from that and then you have people who are not authorized breaking all of the same laws to keep up including running up and down the sidewalks. they ll look at the videos. they ll look at the red light cameras and they ll say can we find a couple of persistent violators here that we can identify, but it went on for a couple of hours. it happened at night, darkness is a factor in getting those images to be identifiable. it was a real mess. so i m going to say it s possible, but unlikely that you re going to see a lot of that. yeah. i think fax moster is back with us. max, what i was wanting to ask as kate williams was talking about how things may have changed in terms of how much of a target they are since charles has become king. have you note have you heard anything in is there more concern for i mean, not only
camera, every time i hear a click or see a flash, it takes me straight back. so in that respect, it s the worst reminder of her life. now, that cabby who picked them up said they appeared nervous when they got inside his cab. he drove them for about ten minutes right here to the 19th precinct. the nypd, for its part, said it will review security cameras, including red light cameras, to see if they can identify anyone. jake? jason carroll, thank you so much. as one of the most conservative courts in the nation that hear s a case that can ban abortion medication, some women will be sterilized. their stories ahead.