Lawmakers, schools districts, educational technology companies and others keep rolling out legislation and software that threatens students’ privacy, free speech, and access to social media, in the name of “protecting” children. At EFF, we fought back against this overreach and demand.
The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) closes on January 15, 2024! U.S. federal employees and retirees can make a pledge to help support EFF’s lawyers, activists, and technologists fight for user rights online.If you’re a U.S. federal employee or retiree, giving to EFF through the CFC is easy! Just.
This post was co-authored by legal intern Kate Prince.Jump to our detailed report about GoGuardian and student monitoring tools. GoGuardian is a student monitoring tool that watches over twenty-seven million students across ten thousand schools, but what it does exactly, and how well it works, isn’.
Over the last year, state and federal legislatures have tried to pass and in some cases succeeded in passing legislation that bars young people from digital spaces, censors what they are allowed to see and share online, and monitors and controls when and how they can do it. EFF and many other.