normally it ends up in my shoes and underwear. it is a terrible thing. they are called the red eye opener. the red eye opener and the blink of a red eye of where can they order this? these we can make at home. we will do that. we will put the recipe on-line. but you will need a computer for that. some people don t have there is a public library greg. when you are not masterbating at the library look for this. no. we will close things out with the post game wrap up with tv s andy levy. wow, i m already drunk. go to fox news .com slash red>f3@atnrwi3rrfxúlz8)!4-c]júáb!l ttzwlu.vesñ
tonic water, blanco and a little green gnaw dean. why does tequilla when you drink it the universal response is like that. it has that weird thing. and then you start acting really violent. what is that? i m just saying let s just go to commercial. first of all, of course, you have to drink responsibly. not sure about the spirit. but the second thing is, you don t get that. most have the bitterness, and that s what make him. i was really responsible last night. and it is helping my hangover. i was amazed how well you were throwing up. i was waiting for the ground and i hit it. normally it ends up in my shoes and underwear. it is a terrible thing. they are called the red eye opener. the red eye opener and the blink of a red eye of where can they order this?