because you will have so many different hurdles you have never considered. reporter: chloe says her maczbiefr worth it. she hopes it will continue to grow and when retail stores open, she says she will keep growing and smoking her home grown weed is it comfortable waking up every morning? awesome. we go to bed towing, we wake up towing. reporter: jim spellman, cnn, denver. we have some tragic news out of afghanistan in the city of jalalabad. we got word at a red cross tlofs has been some sort of explosion there. in fact, we just got word insurgents in jalalabad attacked that red cross building. there was a tweak, we put the tweet that came out. we confirm that an incident just took place in our office in jalalabad, afghanistan.
we will provide more information later, once we know more. we den foe if anybody has been killed in that red cross office building. we don t know who the insurgents in, we can guess. when you know more, we see pictures and the smoke coming from the building. when we know more, we will pass the information along to you. we will take a quick break and we ll be right back with more in the newsroom. hey kevin.still eating chalk for heartburn? yeah. try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i m feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief!